Happy Tuesday Pawnshop Friends,

Hope your day is going well, Remi and I just got back from a short walk and it had me thinking of why I wanted to send you this blog notice on why I can save you some money.

First let me say that I do have days that I miss the shop and people coming in and the conversations etc. I have built a lifetime of friends. What I do not miss is the bills and the stress.

$800.00 rent, $500.00 electric bills, $450.00 a month propane, $700 insurance a month and I could go on and on with the bills and then the not forget the 6 days a week with every full time Saturday that I gave up. Since the year 2020 so much has changed and it was a dog fight to survive it.

Thus is now the reason that I can save you so much money b/c i do not have the overhead from above. FREE to price check and we deal with several providers on everything.

Have a great day and I look forward to helping you in the future is you privilege us with your business!